Discover the Alternative Finance approach to SME investment and funding
AltFin | Alternative Finance Funds is an asset manager of alternative SME debt for institutional investors, offering SME loans for institutional investors via AltFin managed investment funds. This way, financing of SMEs becomes an attractive alternative asset class for institutional investors and an equally attractive, more accessible alternative funding source for SMEs.
We believe entrepreneurship is vital to the economy and deserves a better alternative in finance and funding. Through our approach, both sides benefit. Alternative finance sources make SMEs less dependent on the banking system, which in turn supports the development of a more robust and sustainable financial system.
Institutional Investors such as pension funds and insurance companies
Institutional investors: mail
AltFin B.V. is registered with AFM, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, as manager of Alternative Investment Funds under the AIFMD ‘light’ regime.
ESG statement:
Through our funds and investments we:
AltFin’s team has extensive experience and a proven track-record in the areas of:
Credit/Investment Committee
Credit/investment committees are in accordance with agreed terms & conditions and will include one or two managing partners and if required: independent senior credit professionals. Decisions are made on the basis of risk analyses and proposals prepared by the AltFin team.
AltFin’s governance includes a Supervisory Board that supervises and advises the management of AltFin. The Supervisory Board consists of senior professionals with a background in asset management and risk management.
Supervisory board members:
Maarten Klessens (non-executive director NatWest Markets N.V.; ex-ABN AMRO Bank)
Jeannette Franken (partner / founder BeCore Governance, Evaluation & Leadership)
Allard Luchsinger (MD @ Techstars, Fintech venture investor, ex-Velocity Capital, co-founder Zecco)
Online fintech SME loan servicing platform
Financial technology for SME finance
Fund administration and depositary
Recovery and credit management
Credit guarantee for SMEs – BMKB
verschillende MKB advies organisaties
Co Founder | In het banklandschap sinds 1986
“AltFin verbindt MKB-financiering met institutionele investeerders en helpt hen groeien door middel van alternatieve financiering.”
ABN AMRO, Rabobank en NIBC (Nederland, Europa en Azië)
Corporate en investment banking, bank management, kredietverlening, M&A, asset management, FinTech integraties en oplossingen.
Machiel initieerde en ondersteunde de start van twee corporate debt fondsen bij NIBC voor ABP (NPEX Ondernemersfonds) en P&V/Vivium Insurance
Co Founder | In het banklandschap sinds 1989
“AltFin gebruikt jarenlange deskundigheid en ervaring met FinTech-oplossingen om snelle, betrouwbare en berekenbare kredietproducten te leveren.”
Robeco, ABN AMRO en oprichting van de CCQ Ondernemersdesk voor MKB-financiering
Vermogensbeheer, structurering en risicomanagement
Maarten was recent partner bij CPI, adviseurs in risico, finance en governance en was betrokken bij een financieringsmaatschappij voor horeca samen met Heineken.